July 11, 2008

So, Just how big is WorldCat??

A few WorldCat facts picked up at the ALA Conference in Anaheim…

How many records?100+ million
How many holdings?1.29 billion
How long to get to…....
50 million records?31 years
100 million records?6 additional years
How often is a record added?Every 10 seconds
How many records added FY 2008?210 million
Multilingual WorldCat…....
Non-English in 199836%
Non-English in 200850%
Languages/dialects represented470+
What’s the monthly traffic?
Unique users2 million
Page views13 million
Full-record views6 million
Click-throughs to library services
(ILL, OpenURL, OPAC, etc.)
750 thousand
How many libraries represented?69 thousand
How many countries represented?112

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