March 29, 2010

Saving PowerPoint Slides as Images

Did you know that you can save PowerPoint slides as pictures?

Save every slide as an image.

  1. Click the Office Button (multicolored Windows symbol in the upper left corner) and choose Save As→Other Formats…
  2. In the Save As dialog box, do the following:

    1. Select a destination for your images.
    2. Under File Name, give your collection of images a name.
    3. Under Save as type, click the dropdown menu and select one of the following image types: GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, or BMP.
  3. Click Save. When you navigate to the destination you selected, you will find a folder with the file name you selected. It will contain an image of each slide.

Save a single image.

  1. Make sure you have grouped and/or selected all objects that comprise the image.
  2. Select the image and right click. A context-sensitive menu will appear.
  3. Choose Save as Picture…
  4. In the Save As dialog box, do the following:

    1. Select a destination for your images.
    2. Under File Name, give your image a name.
    3. Under Save as type, click the dropdown menu and select an image type.
  5. Click Save. When you navigate to the destination you selected, you will find a single image. If this did not work, you may have to go back and make sure you have grouped/selected every object in the image and save again.
Tip: By saving a PowerPoint image or slide as a picture, you can use it anywhere: Design an official logo. Export graphics for handouts. Create images for Websites.

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