July 19, 2010

Using Windows 7 Libraries

Windows 7 Libraries collect folders  of related content in a single location. 

Windows 7 has 4 default libraries: Documents, Music, Pictures, and Video.  In addition to including locations such a My Documents and My Pictures, you can add other local folders, network shares, some external drives, and even saved searches.

To Add or Remove a Location to a Library:
  1. Open Windows Explorer, expand the Libraries directory, and open the library.  Windows Explorer will display the title and contents of the library.
  2. At the top of the window directly below the title of the library, you will see the following "Includes: # locations".  Click the locations link and the locations dialog box will appear.
    1. To add a location, click the Add... button, browse to the location, and click Include folder.  The folder will be added to the library.
    2. To remove a location, select the location, and click the on will remove the location Remove button.  Your folder will be removed from the library only; it will not be deleted.
      Note: Clicking the Remove button will remove the location from your library immediately; you will not be prompted to confirm this choice.
Tip: You can even create your own custom libraries for projects, committee work, or course materials:
  1. Open Windows Explorer, and click the Libraries directory. Windows Explorer will display list your current libraries.
  2. From the menu bar at the top of the window, click New Library and rename the new library that appears (eg. CMS, Discovery Day, Services Training Team, IST Courses, etc.).
  3. Add locations to your library using the instructions above.

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